We went south again this morning. We saw the burned and damaged vehicles from the music festival. Photo by Ruby.

We prepared and served brunch for soldiers in Sa’ad. Then we had an opportunity to enter Be’eri. We donned vests and helmets as protection against rocket shrapnel. The frequency of rocket attacks from Gaza has diminished considerably, but they do happen.

A IDF spokesperson gave a short tour. We saw houses that had been burned. The terrorists brought gasoline and tires so they do a lot of damage quickly.

The people here had been trying to reach out to Gazans to facilitate peace. We visited the house of a well-known peace activist. Another family would fly a kite with a message of shalom every Shabbat. The kite was found ready in their living room and the family murdered.

We heard stories from survivors. We had a prayer with them when we parted. It is difficult to imagine the horrors the people of this kibbutz experienced. I found the visit sobering.