We spent a day around Jerusalem to prepare our hearts for the days of service. Our group includes 74 believers from 10 different countries. The goal of the trip is to bring hope and healing through the love of Jesus to the hurting people of Israel.

We started on the Mount of Olives. Michael spoke of the three times we know of when Jesus wept. All three were on or near this mountain. David’s flight from Absalom crossed this mountain.

We walked down the Palm Sunday path, and into the Garden of Gethsemane. The Church of All Nations is a great reminder of Jesus’ time in the Garden.

We had a time of prayer and worship in the private olive garden across the street. You can join our prayer by praying by name for the hostages from this list: https://firmisrael.org/praybyname/
We had a great learning time and lunch at Christ Church. The organization has been in the Land for 180 years. By the way, the coffee shop is great if you’re ever in the area of Jaffa Gate.

Notice the olive tree depicts both a menora and a cross. There is no cross in the church. The building combines characteristics of both church and synagogue.
We visited the Kotel, the Western Wall.

And of course, there’s always a great dinner at the hotel in the evening.