We spent the night in Wadi Musa, valley of Moses. This mountain is known as the mountain of Aaron, where he was buried. Mount Hor?

Sunset at Aaron’s mountain last evening. There’s a tomb at the top to commemorate Aaron. Tradition says this is Mount Hor where he was buried. Josephus connects Petra to Mount Hor.

Camel ride in Petra 😁

Petra is an amazing place. We saw Nabatean, Roman, and Byzantine stuff. Mohanned, our guide, grew up here. (Apparently I had his name wrong yesterday.)

Mo believes there are several civilizations still uncovered.
The Edomites took this area from the Horites. You’ll recall that Edom wouldn’t allow Israel to travel through their land. Right now we’re on the King’s Highway with no Edomites to stop us.

The Nabateans were here from about second century BC until Rome took over.

They carved tombs and temples in solid rock.

The walk through the canyon was spectacular. I have 360 footage, maybe I can share it later.
Some Roman road is still here.

Known as the “treasury”, but Mo believes it’s a temple. We didn’t go inside. Apparently that’s available for $1,500.

I took an extra hike for another vantage point.


This one was used as a church in Byzantine times. Rich said it’s quite cavernous inside with wonderful reverb for singing. We didn’t have time for that today.

Riding out of ancient Petra.

We’re here at Aqaba looking at Exodus 13:17 & 18, and other scriptures. God took Israel by way of the wilderness to the Red Sea. After they crossed, they were still in a wilderness. What is known as the Sinai Peninsula today was under Egyptian control. Israel never saw Egyptians after they crossed.
We’re at the juncture of Jordan, Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Tomorrow we plan to go into Saudi Arabia. Things become less certain. We didn’t get all the permits we wanted. Your prayers are appreciated.