Jesus and His disciples gathered in an upper room for the Passover meal. Jesus told the disciples that one of them would betray Him. He shared bread and wine with them, telling them it was His body and His blood. Did they understand that Jesus would become the Passover Lamb, the sacrifice? He told them He was giving them a kingdom. I wonder what the disciples were thinking, as they crossed over the Kidron Valley and went up on the Mount of Olives.

On the Mount of Olives, in a place called Gethsemane, Jesus spent time praying to His Father. The name “Gethsemane” comes from the Hebrew word for “olive press.” Maybe the place He was accustomed to going to on Olivet was a grove of olive trees, with an olive press.

Jesus wrestled with accepting the cup that was His to drink. What emotions did He experience, what pressing? It was so much that He sweat drops of blood. How did the angel strengthen Him?

I find it overwhelming, and impossible to really grasp, what all Jesus went through, for me.