We left the apartment early this morning, exiting the Old City through Jaffa Gate in the golden light of sunup. We rode the tram several stops to Central Station. Unfortunately the 7:00 bus to Eilat was too full to stop at Ein Gedi, so we had to wait for the 8:00 bus.

The ride from Jerusalem to Ein Gedi is an hour and a quarter.

We saw a herd of ibex goats as we walked across the parking lot.

We walked back Wadi David. We got our feet wet in a pool at one of the falls. We meandered on back to David’s Waterfall. It was amazing to think that some of David’s inspiration for the Psalms came from here.

Leaving David’s Waterfall, we continued to higher elevations. The trail varied from easy walking to tough climbing. The views became spectacular. We admired the ambition of the hikers on distant cliffs.

We filled our water bottle at the Shulamite spring. We continued to part of the Zafitt trail, to an overlook. The Dead Sea was glistening far below us. The Moabite mountains were just visible through the haze.

Ein Gedi spring had a nice clear pool.

We started the downhill climb. Ruins of a synagogue and ancient village were stops along the way.

We caught the bus to Jerusalem and came in from the south just as the sun was setting. Did you know the national bird of Israel is the building crane?

We stopped at a market for some last minute Israel purchases.

Then back through Jaffa Gate to our apartment.