This morning some of more hardy folk rose early and climbed the cliffs of Arbel before breakfast.

After breakfast we visited Mount Precipice in Nazareth. We read from Luke 4 the story of Jesus in the synagogue of Nazareth. Also, Isaiah 11 refers to a shoot, or nezer, from Jesse. This seems to be why the NT refers to prophecy calling Jesus a Nazarene. We heard from a Palestinian Evangelical Christian about their work and growing congregation.

From there we went to a distribution site shared by multiple ministries. We packed boxes of supplies to be delivered to families.

This is the before picture. I didn’t take any during the packing as I was busy working. I didn’t take any of the packed boxes as I was too worn out from working.
Continue to pray God’s blessing and protection on this work. I am thankful for the opportunity to be here and to serve, even in a small way.